Diwedd y gwaharddiadau
Получила письмо:
Hello, you do not know me but i had to pay my respects and admiration for you beautifull paintings of the primarchs. As a warhammer 40k Fluffer ( i might be considered a geek of WH40k history) i found that your vision of them are exactly what they should look like if someone made a Motion picture or CGI movie; in fact you are one of the persons that should be hired for concept art.
Your vision of them is so real i sensed a arrow through my heart when i saw them, their beauty unspeakable. If you ever need some help with background please do bother me, i would consider an honour to help such a artist like you. For that effect my mail adress for messenger is this same one i sent you and in fact i have a picture i am curious to see how would you ilustrate it which i will send as an attachment, his background if ya need ill provide.
Most respectfully,
Pedro Portela
Не в шоке, но растрогана. Не буду скрывать: получать такие письма от неизвестных людей очень приятно. Вдвойне приятно, что они уловили то, что я пыталась нарисовать.
Hello, you do not know me but i had to pay my respects and admiration for you beautifull paintings of the primarchs. As a warhammer 40k Fluffer ( i might be considered a geek of WH40k history) i found that your vision of them are exactly what they should look like if someone made a Motion picture or CGI movie; in fact you are one of the persons that should be hired for concept art.
Your vision of them is so real i sensed a arrow through my heart when i saw them, their beauty unspeakable. If you ever need some help with background please do bother me, i would consider an honour to help such a artist like you. For that effect my mail adress for messenger is this same one i sent you and in fact i have a picture i am curious to see how would you ilustrate it which i will send as an attachment, his background if ya need ill provide.
Most respectfully,
Pedro Portela
Не в шоке, но растрогана. Не буду скрывать: получать такие письма от неизвестных людей очень приятно. Вдвойне приятно, что они уловили то, что я пыталась нарисовать.
Человек прислал еще и фото собственной работы. Хороший лайн-арт, насколько я могу судить.
Рад слышать, что твой талант признают незнакомые тебе люди. Сие есть беспристрастная оценка, и посему - вдвойне приятная художнику.
Желаю тебе дальнейшей удачи в работе и знаменитости, несущей денежные заказы.)
Devona_Shade inquisitor Revan_TTF
Как говорится - мряу.
Каин Мёрдер
Приятно- причем дико.