Интересность: блог Грэхема Макнила.

Тут же есть его интервью, где помимо всего говорится о героях из Ереси:
1. When would readers meet again with Saul Tarvitz and Ancient Rylanor? And would it be in the novel written by your hand or some other author?

GM: This is an issue that’s become a very contentious issue on the forums... Did Loken and Saul Tarvitz survive the final bombing of Isstvan III? Without giving anything away, I think the option is there to see either of them again, though whether or not we ever will is up for debate. It’s kind of like Schrodinger’s Cat...where until the answer is revealed the box ought to stay shut. As to who would ever write such a story, I don’t know, it’s a way in the future, so it could be any one of the Heresy authors.